sábado, fevereiro 01, 2020

Torres, opus 4

Torres, nome artístico de Mackenzie Scott (nascida em Orlando, Florida, há 29 anos), é uma artista de muitas referências e nenhum rótulo. O seu rock tem uma marca indie que não o afasta de alguma memória folk, tudo filtrado por uma pudica metodologia confessional. Assim acontece no seu quarto álbum, Silver Tongue, mais de dois anos passados sobre o anterior Three Futures. Exemplo: a canção Dressing America, filmada pela habitual colaboradora Ashley Connor.

I know you like to keep us wondering
I know that you feel every eye on you
In any given room
You tend to keep your kitchen brimming
And when we all go home
The quiet's enough to crack you up

You think that I don't know
That you stay cold
Come on
You're always telling me
"I don't know who you are"
Come on, woman

I tend to sleep with my boots on
Should I need to gallop over dark waters
To you, on short notice

You tend to keep the scales tipping
One steady eye narrowing on a clock
That's spinning out
It's easier for you to insist
That I can't remember
Then to admit
That you can't forget

You think that I don't know
You don't wanna be alone
Come on
You're always telling me
"I don't know who you are"
Come on, woman

I tend to sleep with my boots on