sexta-feira, maio 11, 2007

De "Stalker" a... Björk

Esta é uma das muitas imagens emblemáticas de um filme genial, a meio caminho entre a ficção científica e o tratado filosófico: Stalker (1979), do cineasta russo Andrei Tarkovsky. Por caminhos inesperados, mas fascinantes, existe agora uma relação simbólica entre Stalker e Volta, o novo álbum de Björk. Isto porque uma das mais belas canções do disco — The Dull Flame of Desire (um dos dois temas que Björk canta com Antony) — se faz com a tradução inglesa de um poema de Fyodor Tyutchev (1803-1973), grande referência do romantismo russo, poema esse que foi utilizado, precisamente, no filme Stalker. Vale a pena percorrer tão admiráveis palavras (em itálico surgem os versos cantados por Antony).

I love your eyes, my dear
their splendid, sparkling fire
when suddenly you raise them so
to cast a swift embracing glance

like lightning flashing in the sky
but there's a charm that is greater still:
when my love's eyes are lowered
when all is fired by passions kiss

and through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire
and through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire

I love your eyes, my dear
their splendid, sparkling fire
when suddenly you raise them so
to cast a swift embracing glance

like lightning flashing in the sky
but there's a charm that is greater still:
when my love's eyes are lowered
when all is fired by passions kiss

and through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire
and through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire

dull flame
i see the full flame of desire
i see the dull flame
i see the full flame

I love your eyes, my dear
their splendid, sparkling fire
when suddenly you raise them so
to cast a swift embracing glance

like lightning flashing in the sky
but there's a charm that is greater still:
when my love's eyes are lowered
when all is fired by passions kiss

and through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire
through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire

dull flame
i see the full flame of
i see the dull flame
i see the full flame

I love your eyes, my dear
their splendid, sparkling fire
when suddenly you raise them so
to cast a swift embracing glance

like lightning flashing in the sky
but there's a charm that is greater still:
when my love's eyes are lowered
when all is fired by passions kiss

through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire
and through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire

and through the
downcast lashes
I see the
dull flame