segunda-feira, junho 01, 2020

Alison Mosshart muda de cenário

Alison Mosshart continua a trazer-nos notícias do seu confinamento. Ou seja: a oferecer-nos novas canções (enquanto um novo álbum de The Kills está em andamento...). Já conhecíamos a confessional e melodramática It Ain't Water — agora, a respectiva versão acústica é tanto mais surpreendente quanto tem som de casa de banho... literalmente.

It's late, getting later, later on
Have you faith it ain't water I want?

If I don't think, I don't think of you
If I don't move, I don't follow
Set a place at the table and become my own stranger

Like, where you coming from?
I don't know your name
But I like the way you look at me in that unsuspicious way

Wasted, I'm wasted
Easy in my stride
No pain in the world left pushing my insides

If I don't think, I don't think of you
If I don't move, I don't follow
I'd save the cup for a spoonful
And today becomes tomorrow

Like, where you headed now?
Could we be the same?
I like the way you look at me in that unsuspicious way
Like there ain't nothing wrong
Nothing to be saved

Oh, have you faith it ain't water that I want?
It ain't water that I want

It's late and I'm hateful
Loving all the same
I'm nothing in freedom
The guilt with which I came

And I did what I done now
I'll do it again
Thinnin' my blood, leaving the way it came in

It ain't water that I want